I Can Make a Muscle!

Yup that’s right…I was finally able to fire up some muscles in my leg since having surgery! I’ve gotta say that this is pretty exciting stuff considering my leg was just a blob of meat for the first few days. However, after a couple of sessions with the physical therapist, my leg is starting to function again. Movin’ in the right direction for sure!

Now, my goal is to get some flexibility back and from then on it’s just slowly rebuilding the muscles again. Flexibility isn’t too shabby either. I’m in the CMT and have it so that it bends the leg up to 85 degrees (almost 90!). As for strength, haven’t gotten to that part just yet. I have to be patient and make sure that the swelling goes down before I do anything too intense. It’s easier said than done but I have to make sure that I don’t get too antsy because rushing into things will slow down my healing process. Either way, I look forward to going to PT all the time because it’s exciting for me to see how much more I can do than the day before.

As for my life in the gym, I’m told to take it fairly easy with my conditioning, at least until they take out my stitches, which is on Monday. As soon as they do that, my focus will shift on not only getting my leg stronger but my upper-body stronger as well!

Posted in: Off Hours
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