Learning to Drive (in Japan)

Learning to Drive (in Japan)

The last few days have been pretty busy for me.  Spent some time at the DMV to get a Japanese driver’s license.  The process is rather tedious though because I have to go in and take several tests before I can officially get it. To make things difficult, the roads are narrow and traffic laws are a bit different.  There are more people on the roads and tons traffic lights.  The fact that the driver’s side is on the right makes driving a little more confusing.  I also need to make sure that I turn into the right lane and don’t go head-on into traffic (they drive on the left side of the road).  In fact, a lot of Japanese people I know in the States said they’ve turned into the wrong lane by accident!


Driving in Japan

As far as training, I’ve been continuing with what I’ve been doing.  Rehab has been progressing smoothly also.  I see the PT every Wednesday at a location about 45 minutes from where I live.  The facility is great and the person in charge was a former gymnast so I’m in good hands.

The rehab facility from the outside

The rehab facility from the outside

This weekend will be pretty busy.  I’ll be going to the “freshmen” championships in Ibaraki which is about a 2-hour drive.  I’ll be going with a buddy from the gym, Koki Sakamoto, who was on the Olympic team in 2008.  Seeing the freshmen go head to head should make the competition very interesting to watch!

Posted in: Off Hours
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