Cold: Go That Way ===>
For the last day I’ve been in hibernation. I’m guessing it’s that time of the season but I caught a cold and I sound as though I ate a frog. It’s a bummer but I’m definitely getting better.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow though. I’ll see the doctor for a check-up and I’m hoping that there will be some good news involved. It’s been a little over six months since I had my ACL surgery and I’m hoping to get released for no-restriction, 100% gymnastics. We’ll see what he says though. One thing is for sure. The knee is getting much stronger. I’ve been working with my physical therapist twice a week and I’m starting to see more muscle developing around my knee/thigh. Feels like I’ve come a long way from the days when my leg looked like a toothpick. More training is needed though. With my cold much better, it’s back to the gym again tomorrow.