Help Support UC Berkeley Men’s Gymnastics!
For those of you who haven’t heard, the latest buzz in the gym world (at least in the US) is that the UC Berkeley’s Men’s Gymnastics team is on the chopping block and is in jeopardy of losing their program.
A lot of this has to do with the budget cuts going on in the UC system. Whatever the reason, losing Cal will definitely hurt NCAA gymnastics and USA Gymnastics as whole.
Cal is one of Stanford’s main competitors during the regular season because of proximity. If Cal gets cut, Stanford will definitely take a huge hit as we’ll be forced to travel out of the state every single time we need to compete (the only two schools with a men’s gymnastics program that’s left in California are Stanford and Cal). When that happens, the closest team will be Air Force in Colorado, and that’s pretty darn far! More importantly, it’ll mean a mean a huge financial strain on Stanford.
There’s less than 20 men’s teams left in the NCAA. Considering how great their program has been doing on a national level, we cannot let Cal drop it’s program.
I’m hoping that Cal pulls through! Please spread the word and if possible write a personalized letter/donate at the following website: Cal Gymnastics Forever
Even though I’m a Stanford alum, I’m pulling for Cal for now!