Catching Up
The last couple of weeks have been great both in and out of the gym. After coming back from the Pan Am Games, I’ve had some time to play around in the gym a bit and learn some new skills. This has been a really nice change for me given that I’ve been doing routines for about 6 months because of consecutive competitions.
Although I’ve been working just as hard in the gym, not training for a major competition definitely takes a huge amount of stress away. Because of this, I’ve been able to catch up on some of the things I’ve been putting on hold outside of the gym.
For one, I finally took the judging test last week. Although I’ll be judging less this year because of major competitions, it’s always good to be in the loop as the rules are constantly changing.
Outside of the gym scene, I actually went and checked out a Stanford football game against Oregon last weekend. It was a bummer that Stanford lost, especially since it was such an important game. However, as an athlete, I understand that there are those days when things just don’t come together. Stanford has a few more games this year, and I’m sure that they will finish the season out strong. Stanford actually has their annual “Big Game” against Cal this weekend. The rivalry goes way back so this weekend should be fun!
I will have to say that the highlight was seeing my buddy, Justin Berkman, do his thing at the San Jose Improv. Justin graduated from Stanford a few years back and is now performing all over the country as a professional comedian. He’s incredibly funny and all of my friends and I that attended his show had an absolutely awesome time. He’s on twittter so definitely check him out at @justinberkman!