Sweet site Sho, congrats on your achievements this year. My parents and I are rootin for ya man. Ganbarehh~!!!
Gymnastdude June 22, 2009 at 6:41 pm
Will you be posting any training videos? Personally I really enjoyed the Hamms’ site, their training videos were very entertaining, and showed off a little bit of the artistry that is now in short supply in our sport. Your gymnastics certainly possesses artistry, and the best way for fans of our sport to appreciate that artistry is watch it for themselves.
That said, the site is great; the entries are very well written and interesting.
shonakamori June 22, 2009 at 8:12 pm
@ Gymnastdude Thanks for your comment. I think doing a video section will be a great idea. That might be the next thing I’ll add. Thanks for checking the site out!
sean golden June 24, 2009 at 8:12 pm
hey man this this look good I am already your biggest fan!!! keep it up and I will talk to you later man
Sasha Artemev June 26, 2009 at 8:48 pm
Awesome site man , keep up the good work!!!
Gymnastdude July 7, 2009 at 7:33 pm
I was wondering if you might like to comment on how the difficulty values of routines are changing from the last quadrennium to this one. Has the success of the Chinese in team competitions over the last several years (partly as a result of their start value advantages over other nations) caused a greater focus on increasing difficulty? Has increasing difficulty been an important topic for the US men’s program? How much do you plan to increase the difficulty of your sets during this quadrennium?
Any answer would be appreciated.
shonakamori July 7, 2009 at 7:59 pm
@Gymnastdude The current code of points (open-ended system) definitely pushes gymnasts to increase their start score. In fact, several skills have been devalued since last quadrennium, hence more gymnasts are trying to add in more complex skills to their sets. Unfortunately it’s difficult to upkeep the artistry side of gymnastics when there is so much demand for harder skills. Personally, I believe that this is a very sad thing for the sport of gymnastics. I believe our sport is called “Artistic Gymnastics” for a reason, but this “artistic” aspect is on its decline due to the current code.
And so you’re right, having a difficult routine is important. Like you said, take a look at the Chinese team for example. They had so much difficulty in the ’08 Olympics that they could’ve fallen on several places and still won with a fairly big margin. With this in mind, the US is also putting a lot of focus on raising difficulty. In fact, a new rule set by USAG says that a gymnast will receive bonus for competing a routine of a certain start score.
Since the code of points demands it, I’ll also try to raise my difficulty. But at the same time, I don’t want to undermine the artistic aspect while I try to do so. As a lot of gymnast will agree, there needs to be a change in the code as soon as possible!
Sho this site is sickkkk!
Goodluck today and i’ll talk to you sooon!
Takayuki Shimizu July 18, 2009 at 5:11 am
Sho, I did gymnastics in Japan. In addition, I’m gonna go to Stanford from this September as a visiting researcher. We have a lot in common! I hope to meet you at Stanford.
shonakamori July 18, 2009 at 6:03 am
definitely! please let me know when you get to stanford! i look forward to meeting you!
Andrew Herrador July 26, 2009 at 8:37 pm
Hey Sho,
I just wanted to say thank you again for coaching me at the Future Star camp for the last 3 days. I really like your high bar and pommel routine!! I broke my arm in March and you signed my cast. Your story about overcoming an injury made me realize that it doesn’t take you down but makes you stronger!! You acutally signed my bright green cast at the Stanford, Cal, Illinois and Oklahoma meet at Stanford. I have fully recoved and have been in the gym 100% for about 2 months (CSC Scott Burns is my mentor/coach)Your an awesome gymnast and I can’t wait to watch you make the olympic team.
Best Regards,
kim July 28, 2009 at 5:20 pm
Sho…I agree with B-Had…thanks for being so awesome!! Good luck with the rehab, I know you will do well. Thinking of you.
Trent Jarrett August 13, 2009 at 8:28 am
I saw the ShoNakamori.com gym listed by Dave Sender’s name on the Visa results and said, What the Heck is that? So, now I am here it worked. Hey, I want to wise you good luck on your recovery and I also wanted to know if you have or will have T-Shirts for sell with your website logo on them? I would def buy one.
Thanks, Trent
shonakamori August 13, 2009 at 11:42 am
hey trent, thanks for your comment man! hope you’re well. recovery is comin’ along. as for the t-shirt question, at this point I do not have one. however, i do have some patches like the one that sender is wearing on his chest at usa’s this week.
Trent Jarrett August 13, 2009 at 2:27 pm
Ok, I would like to buy one — it would look good sewed on a baseball cap or at the bottom of work out shorts. Whatever, i am into buying one and maybe it could be a start of mass marketing them or something. Keep working hard, you are one of the ASG boys favorites. Great website, I will send it to all my friends
kimi August 15, 2009 at 12:13 pm
I love your website. Thanks for sharing with us through it. I also wanted to send a shout out to your pal, David. What a classy guy you are! I see you have been choosen to be on the National team. Will you continue for the year? No matter what, you are awesome and I admire you and what you want to do for your life work! It is true, some day, you will look back at these days and say I was good and now I’m better! To you Sho, you have a long road ahead of your, but you too, are awesome and I know you will come back stronger than ever!! Keep it up. Always on your side.
shonakamori August 15, 2009 at 4:25 pm
thanks always for checkin in. dave is a great guy and i’m glad to have him as a friend!
yes, it’ll definitely be a long road but i’m gonna enjoy it every step of the way.
Sylver Jan Prior August 15, 2009 at 11:21 pm
Hi Sho! Get well soon.. I’m from the Philippines but I’m a big fan of Stanford Athletics in general. It is my routine to check gostanford everyday. I do hope that you’ll represent USA in the next Olympics. You can do it!
Tyler Yamauchi August 16, 2009 at 9:10 am
Nice webpage man, it’s cool that your still gonna continue with the sport. Give me 3 years and I can help rehab you :-P. Good luck!
Scott Burns August 17, 2009 at 9:30 pm
Hey Sho, the site is sick. Love the vids and pics all the time. My three guys had an awesome time training at Stanford for that camp. Just wanted to thank you not only for you support of the sport of gymnastics but also college gymnastics and the junior gymnastics. Its been fun watching you grow up and I can only imagine what you will do after rehab. Good luck, get it, its yours.
Maria August 28, 2009 at 12:24 pm
sho!!! i hope all is well and you have to let me know when have competitions at stanford so i can come watch keep working hard!
Dan Wood September 3, 2009 at 10:35 am
I need an evaluator for future stars. We would be very excited if you could do it. Sept 23 what ever that sat is. Michelle is trying to pay $200.00 a day and I think it will finish in one day. The scedule is on the web. I will get back to you on the schedule. Please say yes.
Tres September 5, 2009 at 1:55 pm
I started following your recovery after I saw Sender “sporting” your site. I am glad that you are continuing in the sport, I think that you can be an asset to U.S.A gymnastics. I hope all goes well for you and I will be rooting for you. Take care!
shonakamori September 5, 2009 at 9:10 pm
Thanks Sylver!
shonakamori September 5, 2009 at 9:11 pm
Thanks for your words of support! Please keep following!
Kris September 27, 2009 at 8:13 pm
Hey Sho,
My name is Kris. I think Dan talked about me possibly training with you. Sounds super exciting. Here is my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/yokamotoh
Cya around,
Dean K. Hellyer November 22, 2009 at 9:33 pm
Awesome website………glad to hear things are going well………much support from this end, will talk to you soon.
shonakamori November 23, 2009 at 8:42 am
thanks dean! it’s great hearing form you!
Maurice December 8, 2009 at 12:19 am
Hey Sho – how are you enjoying all the great Japanese food over there? We celebrated Helen’s birthday last night with homemade tempura. The kids all miss you. – Maurice
shonakamori December 8, 2009 at 6:24 am
maurice! great hearing from you. the food is good in japan and i’m getting some good training.
i miss the kids also. can’t wait to see them when i get back. please give my regards to your family and happy birthday to helen!
It’s funny to see some vids ypu have placed on your blog, in one of the vids i see sadao hamada! he is coaching us at the moment in the netherlands. he is coming couple of weeks and then he leaves to japan!
has he been your coach??
greetz carlo
(gymnastics netherlands)
shonakamori May 14, 2010 at 12:00 pm
hey carlo. it’s great to hear from you!
yup, sadao was one of my coaches while i was growing up. in fact, he’s known me since i was a baby. you can ask him about me when you see him.
Please send me a PDF ad to put in the Region 1 Championships program by Tuesday.
Eric Totman
shonakamori March 19, 2011 at 11:50 pm
i’ll get on it. thanks eric!
Alana Catellani October 25, 2011 at 2:07 pm
Hello, I’m Brazilian girl, 16, and an admirer. Today October 25, 2011, I first saw this on TV in the Pan
I confess I was impressed with the lightness of their movements. Congratulations, very successful and many medals. Luck.
shonakamori October 31, 2011 at 9:15 pm
thank you so much for the support! i hope you enjoyed the performances!
Mutsumi HARADA February 1, 2012 at 6:53 pm
Hello Sho!
I know you doing very well.
By the way, We will go to Stanford for Camp and meet from 13th Feb to 20th Feb 2012.
Hopefly,we looking forfward at Stanfod.
Dean K. Hellyer June 11, 2012 at 7:37 am
Cheers Sho. Thanks for everything. Call Kyle we’ll all go out sometime.
I love you Sho!!!!! This site is sooooooooo freaking awesome!!!!!
Sho. You missed Crabtree.
Sho, you’re my bestest freund!
When I make helllllllla bank, I’ll sponsor. Until then, I’ll do what I can with moral support.
Sweet site Sho, congrats on your achievements this year. My parents and I are rootin for ya man. Ganbarehh~!!!
Will you be posting any training videos? Personally I really enjoyed the Hamms’ site, their training videos were very entertaining, and showed off a little bit of the artistry that is now in short supply in our sport. Your gymnastics certainly possesses artistry, and the best way for fans of our sport to appreciate that artistry is watch it for themselves.
That said, the site is great; the entries are very well written and interesting.
@ Gymnastdude Thanks for your comment. I think doing a video section will be a great idea. That might be the next thing I’ll add. Thanks for checking the site out!
hey man this this look good I am already your biggest fan!!! keep it up and I will talk to you later man
Awesome site man , keep up the good work!!!
I was wondering if you might like to comment on how the difficulty values of routines are changing from the last quadrennium to this one. Has the success of the Chinese in team competitions over the last several years (partly as a result of their start value advantages over other nations) caused a greater focus on increasing difficulty? Has increasing difficulty been an important topic for the US men’s program? How much do you plan to increase the difficulty of your sets during this quadrennium?
Any answer would be appreciated.
@Gymnastdude The current code of points (open-ended system) definitely pushes gymnasts to increase their start score. In fact, several skills have been devalued since last quadrennium, hence more gymnasts are trying to add in more complex skills to their sets. Unfortunately it’s difficult to upkeep the artistry side of gymnastics when there is so much demand for harder skills. Personally, I believe that this is a very sad thing for the sport of gymnastics. I believe our sport is called “Artistic Gymnastics” for a reason, but this “artistic” aspect is on its decline due to the current code.
And so you’re right, having a difficult routine is important. Like you said, take a look at the Chinese team for example. They had so much difficulty in the ’08 Olympics that they could’ve fallen on several places and still won with a fairly big margin. With this in mind, the US is also putting a lot of focus on raising difficulty. In fact, a new rule set by USAG says that a gymnast will receive bonus for competing a routine of a certain start score.
Since the code of points demands it, I’ll also try to raise my difficulty. But at the same time, I don’t want to undermine the artistic aspect while I try to do so. As a lot of gymnast will agree, there needs to be a change in the code as soon as possible!
7th photo in the album
Great site!! way to represent the east bay!
Sho this site is sickkkk!
Goodluck today and i’ll talk to you sooon!
Sho, I did gymnastics in Japan. In addition, I’m gonna go to Stanford from this September as a visiting researcher. We have a lot in common! I hope to meet you at Stanford.
definitely! please let me know when you get to stanford! i look forward to meeting you!
Hey Sho,
I just wanted to say thank you again for coaching me at the Future Star camp for the last 3 days. I really like your high bar and pommel routine!! I broke my arm in March and you signed my cast. Your story about overcoming an injury made me realize that it doesn’t take you down but makes you stronger!! You acutally signed my bright green cast at the Stanford, Cal, Illinois and Oklahoma meet at Stanford. I have fully recoved and have been in the gym 100% for about 2 months (CSC Scott Burns is my mentor/coach)Your an awesome gymnast and I can’t wait to watch you make the olympic team.
Best Regards,
Sho…I agree with B-Had…thanks for being so awesome!! Good luck with the rehab, I know you will do well. Thinking of you.
I saw the ShoNakamori.com gym listed by Dave Sender’s name on the Visa results and said, What the Heck is that? So, now I am here it worked. Hey, I want to wise you good luck on your recovery and I also wanted to know if you have or will have T-Shirts for sell with your website logo on them? I would def buy one.
Thanks, Trent
hey trent, thanks for your comment man! hope you’re well. recovery is comin’ along. as for the t-shirt question, at this point I do not have one. however, i do have some patches like the one that sender is wearing on his chest at usa’s this week.
Ok, I would like to buy one — it would look good sewed on a baseball cap or at the bottom of work out shorts. Whatever, i am into buying one and maybe it could be a start of mass marketing them or something. Keep working hard, you are one of the ASG boys favorites. Great website, I will send it to all my friends
I love your website. Thanks for sharing with us through it. I also wanted to send a shout out to your pal, David. What a classy guy you are! I see you have been choosen to be on the National team. Will you continue for the year? No matter what, you are awesome and I admire you and what you want to do for your life work! It is true, some day, you will look back at these days and say I was good and now I’m better! To you Sho, you have a long road ahead of your, but you too, are awesome and I know you will come back stronger than ever!! Keep it up. Always on your side.
thanks always for checkin in. dave is a great guy and i’m glad to have him as a friend!
yes, it’ll definitely be a long road but i’m gonna enjoy it every step of the way.
Hi Sho! Get well soon.. I’m from the Philippines but I’m a big fan of Stanford Athletics in general. It is my routine to check gostanford everyday. I do hope that you’ll represent USA in the next Olympics. You can do it!
Nice webpage man, it’s cool that your still gonna continue with the sport. Give me 3 years and I can help rehab you :-P. Good luck!
Hey Sho, the site is sick. Love the vids and pics all the time. My three guys had an awesome time training at Stanford for that camp. Just wanted to thank you not only for you support of the sport of gymnastics but also college gymnastics and the junior gymnastics. Its been fun watching you grow up and I can only imagine what you will do after rehab. Good luck, get it, its yours.
sho!!! i hope all is well and you have to let me know when have competitions at stanford so i can come watch
keep working hard!
I need an evaluator for future stars. We would be very excited if you could do it. Sept 23 what ever that sat is. Michelle is trying to pay $200.00 a day and I think it will finish in one day. The scedule is on the web. I will get back to you on the schedule. Please say yes.
I started following your recovery after I saw Sender “sporting” your site. I am glad that you are continuing in the sport, I think that you can be an asset to U.S.A gymnastics. I hope all goes well for you and I will be rooting for you. Take care!
Thanks Sylver!
Thanks for your words of support! Please keep following!
Hey Sho,
My name is Kris. I think Dan talked about me possibly training with you. Sounds super exciting. Here is my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/yokamotoh
Cya around,
Awesome website………glad to hear things are going well………much support from this end, will talk to you soon.
thanks dean! it’s great hearing form you!
Hey Sho – how are you enjoying all the great Japanese food over there? We celebrated Helen’s birthday last night with homemade tempura. The kids all miss you. – Maurice
maurice! great hearing from you. the food is good in japan and i’m getting some good training.
i miss the kids also. can’t wait to see them when i get back. please give my regards to your family and happy birthday to helen!
Hey Sho,
It’s funny to see some vids ypu have placed on your blog, in one of the vids i see sadao hamada! he is coaching us at the moment in the netherlands. he is coming couple of weeks and then he leaves to japan!
has he been your coach??
greetz carlo
(gymnastics netherlands)
hey carlo. it’s great to hear from you!
yup, sadao was one of my coaches while i was growing up. in fact, he’s known me since i was a baby. you can ask him about me when you see him.
hope training is going well!
Hey Sho,
Please send me a PDF ad to put in the Region 1 Championships program by Tuesday.
Eric Totman
i’ll get on it. thanks eric!
Hello, I’m Brazilian girl, 16, and an admirer. Today October 25, 2011, I first saw this on TV in the Pan
I confess I was impressed with the lightness of their movements. Congratulations, very successful and many medals. Luck.
thank you so much for the support! i hope you enjoyed the performances!
Hello Sho!
I know you doing very well.
By the way, We will go to Stanford for Camp and meet from 13th Feb to 20th Feb 2012.
Hopefly,we looking forfward at Stanfod.
Cheers Sho. Thanks for everything. Call Kyle we’ll all go out sometime.