Game Time
I’m getting ready to compete for the first time in over a year so I’ve been taking this time to reflect on all that’s happened to me since getting my knee repaired. Honestly, after having my surgery after last year’s Japan Cup, it was difficult for me to look too far into the future as, initially, everything was a day by day process. After all, the first couple of months consisted of only doing quad tighteners and straight leg raises in rehab. Boy, those were painfully boring! Simple daily tasks as walking to the bathroom was painful. Not to mention I was locked in at a 45 degree knee bend for those first few months.
Mornings were the worst as I’d wake up feeling stiff as a board. It took a substantial amount of warming up to gain the mobility for my knee to bend. I did get pretty skilled on those crutches though. However, there were several close calls when I tripped on them and felt like I might’ve reinjured it. Took some mobility tests by the therapists and docs to reassure that it was alright!
The most exciting news though was getting that green light to start training again. Obviously it was a gradual increase in numbers and intensity but it was a great feeling to know that the days of intensive rehab had paid off.
However, with the support of the people around me, I’ve managed to build myself back up to the point where I’m able to compete again. Although I’m not quite 100%, I’m definitely inching my way there. The plan is to get back in and compete in the sport I enjoy the most. Lots of ups and downs over this past year but I’m grateful for all the help that I’ve gotten. This is definitely all part of the journey and I’m ready to continue to build on it!
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Congratulations Sho! Have only seen one video, but am thrilled to see you score so well after this year of killer rehab!