Go Get ‘Em!
While all this time I’ve been busy training and chasing my dream, someone very close to me has also been doing the same thing. That person happens to be my sister. Although we usually don’t say a ton of good things about each other, or to each other for that matter,(we are very close in age and both of us are super competitive), I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I’ve always admired her determination and her fighting spirit. She’s been competitive in Kendo since she was very young. And this week she’s in Italy to fight it out at the biggest stage – the World Championships. Although this would be a huge accomplishment even for a regular athlete, I see this as a bigger deal for her since she was born with a disability. She’s been deaf since birth, and because of that, she’s had to deal with a ton of adversity and work extra hard to make up for something that we take for granted everyday. Even more impressive is that after college, she started working full-time for the US Government but continued to keep up her Kendo training. She’s come a long way and I feel that I speak for everyone when I say that I couldn’t be more proud of all that she has accomplished already. Wishing her and the rest of the US Kendo team best of luck as they fight it out on the world’s biggest stage!
Congratulations! Your sister is great!!!
thank you! i think the tournament starts today!