Happy Birthday
I think it’s fairly common that when life gets busy, events and other things begin to mesh together and life becomes a huge blur. I’m definitely that type of person, but at the same time, there are several days within the year that reminds me to take a moment to pause, look around at the things I have, and appreciate.
One of those days is today, which is also my dad’s birthday. If he was here today, he’d be 51. Thinking now, I realize more and more that we lost a great man too early. After all,the impact he had on the people around him, both in and out of the gym, was tremendous. I’ll admit that we had our share of difficult times when he used to be my coach. There were countless days when I talked back and we threw harsh words at each other. Most days, I saw the gym as a battlefield. Sadly, it’s only now that I genuinely realize that he was stricter with me because he cared, and because he wanted to shape me into a better gymnast, and a stronger person. Honestly, not a day goes by that I don’t think about him, and while things get tough every once in a while, my friends and family have always been there to give me the helping hand or the words of encouragement that I need to get back on my feet. And for that, I wanted to thank everyone once again for all the support and the continual support as I trek on with my journey.
Below is a one of the speeches I gave a couple of years ago (I might’ve already posted it some time ago) expressing my thanks to everyone for all that they’ve done and continue to do for me.
Oh, and one last thing, Happy Birthday Pops!

I know what you feel.
I didn’t like my late father sometimes.
Now I know he really loved me.
By the way…
Ready for the Winter Cup?
thanks so much for the message tomoko-san!
training is going well and i’m feeling good about winter cup. i will do my best!
Kazuki,51 years old…
He might surely be still doing gymnastics coach. Gymnastics is his energy source!
by the way, I go to USA for training camp on Feb 13.
I’m looking foward to meeting you.
mizushima-san! i’m looking forward to seeing you again also. i can’t wait until february!