Just got back from San Francisco after getting some training done for my new job. Recently I got called on by a good friend, old teammate, and former Stanford standout, Dan Gill, to help him at his company, Huddler. More computer work for me as I’ve been working for a start-up in Palo Alto called Doostang for the past few months. These types of jobs are super ideal for me as I can do my work online and I don’t necessarily need to be at the office all the time.
The addition of my work at Huddler basically puts me at four jobs. In addition, I private coach and do some academic tutoring on the side. Oh, the life of a gymnast. I gotta do whatever to stay afloat. Realizing more and more how spoiled I was during my years at Stanford. No worries about housing, food, or medical fees. Now I’m responsible for coming up with all of them! Yikes.
Anyway, despite my busy and packed schedule, I’m grateful for all the opportunities I’ve been given and how supportive the people around me have been with my journey. Thanks for everything and check back in!
* I wanted to take a picture of Huddler’s office but I forgot my camera. It was a really nice place in the middle of downtown SF!