I Play For Peace!
For those of you that don’t know, aside from being a full-time gymnast, I’m also a part-time Japanese tutor (I also tutor English). For the last two years or so, I’ve been working with a family and their three kids (2 b0ys and 1 girl). The kids are always full of energy and I have a lot of fun every time I go and teach.

Me and the Kids
When I went to go tutor the other day, the family surprised me with an early-birthday cake (my real birthday is tomorrow)! They’re awesome and I feel lucky that they call me a part of their “family.”

Birthday Cake!
Anyway, I also wanted to introduce a website that one of the boys started. Ben, who is the oldest of the three kids, is working on raising money for children in Iraq that are disabled and in need of wheelchairs. Each wheelchair costs $300 and every penny helps. Please take a look at his site and learn more about his cause @ I Play For Peace. This is pretty awesome stuff that he’s doing!