Keep Worlds in Tokyo!
The recent earthquake and tsunami that wrecked northern Japan about six weeks ago is taking effect in the gymnastics world as well. It’s been planned for a while that Tokyo is supposed to host the World Championships this year, but with all that’s happened, the FIG (the governing body of gymnastics) is considering moving it to another site. Personally, I’d hate to see this happen. Especially since I’ve been working hard with the hopes of competing in Japan again. The last time I competed there was in 2009 at the Japan Cup, which was the same meet that I injured myself at. This is one of the reasons why I wish that they allow Tokyo to host the meet. I would love to have another shot at showing a good performance in Japan.
Not to mention that all of my relatives and a bunch of my friends are out in Japan! It’d be awesome to be able to compete in front of them again!
As for the general people in Japan, this will be a good opportunity to boost their morale after going through such a devastating incident. To get people from all over the world for the World Championships in one place and at one time will definitely be a great thing for the Japanese people.
A good friend of mine, Aki, did some translation work in a recent article on IG regarding this situation (good work Aki!). Check it out here. I’m crossing my fingers that they’ll keep Worlds in Tokyo!
Check out the promo video for Worlds below:

(I’m slightly confused by the lady standing in the field during the middle of the montage…)
Tokyo is OK now, but I’m afraid they wouldn’t listen to us. I hear some countries will refuse to come to Japan. Japan is such a small country, so they think Tokyo is close enough to Fukushima…Very sad.
Anyway, thank you for your concern.
i can understand why the other countries might be concerned about going to tokyo but i really do hope they will keep the competition there. i wonder what type of things japan gymnastics association is doing to convince the fig to keep world championships in japan.