Sign of Hard Work!
Huge apologies to everybody that regularly check into my website! I’ve been really bad about uploading new posts as lately I’ve been super busy both in and out of the gym.
My work outside of the gym has ramped up over the last week or so. I’ve been so busy that I find myself constantly on the computer if not at practice.
Inside the gym, I’ve been gradually ramping up the intensity. With summer right around the corner, it’s now the time to start preparing for some competitions again! For the last couple of months I’ve been playing it careful by nursing some old injuries, while learning some new skills. However, I’ve been working to switch over to that different mode.
Interestingly, I’ve come to associate hard work with some pain (both mental and physical). Obviously I don’t go and purposefully inflict pain on myself, but I do get that sense of satisfaction when I come home beat up and sore from training.
Recently, pommel horse has been giving me a good beating. I know at first glance it doesn’t look to be dangerous. The pommel horse is close to the ground and we don’t perform and flipping skills on it. But every single time we clip the horse with our legs, we’re left with cuts and bruises. I think the perfect way to describe my shin nowadays is that it looks like a battlefield!
Gotta get through these tough trainings though! There’s no way around it!
Hi sho! I got an e-mail about cal for getting reinstated.
It is so good news. And your legs is like good gymnast.
That a cut and a bruise is the gateway to success!!
Keep going hard work.
hi koichi! yes, cal was reinstated. this is a great day for the gymnastics community! thank you for helping out.
as for my legs. it’s full of bruises and cuts but i’m working hard!