Thanks Durante!
Had a pretty busy weekend of mostly running around and moving out of my current apartment. However, the weather cooled down a bit so that made the entire process a lot easier. It’s been really hot here lately and I’m definitely waiting on the temperature to come down.
Anyway, the highlight of the weekend was definitely going to Thom’s (my coach at Stanford) house and having a farewell party for David Durante. Dave, who was just recently a gymnast himself and a alternate on the ’08 Olympic team, was one of our assistant coaches for this year. However he will be going to Europe this September to gain some experience living a life away from gymnastics. Although we’re sad to see him go (we tried to convince him to stay for another year to coach) we’re very excited that he’ll be doing something that he’s always wanted to do.
Dave was a big part of the reason why we won our national championships this year. His energy definitely helped us get through the tougher workouts and the fact that he was still fresh out of retirement helped us prepare for competition because he understood what we, as athletes were going through. For all this I would like to thank him for coming back to Stanford to coach us (he competed for Stanford in early 2000). Good luck with all that’s ahead Dave. We’ll miss you man!

Dave's Farewell Party
Wow, do I wish I was there for that party!
Dave come back any time you want you have been a great ambassador for USA Gymnastics.