Training Update!
We’ve entered May and I’ve been pushing my training along to get prepared for the big qualification meets for the Olympics! Weather in California has been a bit up and down, which hasn’t been good to my body. Your body usually doesn’t like it when it gets super hot one day and then gets really cool. Shouldn’t be complaining though.
I’ve attached some training vids to update you on my progress. They are not perfect by any means but it’s getting there. I’ll be pushing myself through a couple more cycles so that I could peak at the right time! Let’s git ‘er done!

Thanks for the updates Sho! Best of luck from my family and friends. がんばれ!!!
thanks hideki! btw, do you have a new phone number? call me!
Sho! Good stuff buddy. I like how your coach was tightening the p-bars as your going…juuuust to make sure. Give me a call sometime, lets hang out.
holy schmole guac m ymole! Sho, these updates are awesome!! You go, guy!
Very nice work.
purn-dawggg!!! how’s life? it’s been absolutely forever!
thanks tony! yes, we have super loose pbars. better safe than sorry right!?
thanks charlene! this is home stretch. just a couple more months to go!
thanks dean. are you still out in colorado? i haven’t seen you in forever man!