Tsunami/Earthquake Memorial Event
March 11th marked the one year anniversary for the tsunami/earthquake event that shook Japan and destroyed a major area in the northern part of the country. As soon as I heard the news last year, I tried to think of things that I could do to help. Naturally, the first people I thought of were the people in the gymnastics community. In a matter of weeks, I was able to raise a significant amount of money, which I sent off to the Japan Red Cross on behalf of Region 1 and NorCal Gymnastics. Thanks so much for that!
A few days ago, I was invited to a memorial event in San Francisco to give thanks to all the people that donated and to update us with some news about the situation in Japan. The event was held at the Presidio, which was significant because the US-Japan Security treaty was signed at the same place in the 60s. The treaty was signed to create further ties and cooperation between the two countries so it was fitting that such an event could take place at the same site.
The event included a special video created by the Japanese people that were affected by the incident. Speeches were also made by the Consul General and important members of the Japanese-American community. It ended with a nice performance by a violinist and a koto player, as well as exhibitions that allowed us to gain information about the current situation out there.
During the event, I even met an Olympic legend. Kristi Yamaguchi was there as she also did a lot to raise awareness and bring in relief funds! Had a nice little conversation with her and am hoping that we could work together in the future to help out as the road to recovery continues! Thank you again to all the donated!