PT Update
Things have been looking good in PT (physical therapy) lately. Ever since I got my leg out of the big brace, I’ve been able to do more exercises that requires more movement. My physical therapist, Melissa and I have been working hard to get my leg back in shape for gymnastics-related training, but at the same time, we’ve been making sure that we’re not overworking it so that we don’t aggravate it.
Some stuff that I’ve been doing in PT include stool scoots, which is an exercise where I’m sitting on a stool w/wheels on them and doing laps around the room by only using my legs. It sound easy but it’s rather tiring on the hamstrings, especially because we add weight to the stool. Speaking of hamstrings, I’ve also been doing a lot of hamstring curls with weights. Some other things I’ve been doing include: standing on one leg on unstable surfaces and doing squat-type exercises, as well as single leg toe touches. Believe it or not, they’re actually kind of tough. It’s crazy to see how quickly your body forgets how to do these simple movements when you don’t use it for a while. However, these exercises are going to help me regain my balance and coordination.
Anyway, we’ve been incorporating a bunch of new exercises every time I go in for PT. It’s hard work but it’s fun, and it sure as heck beats doing quad sets and leg lifts all the time!
Dave's Blog
Recently, I wrote that my old teammate/coach, David Durante, is going to Italy. Well, he’s all settled down now and it looks like he’s started to blog about his life in Europe.

Big Dave
You can check out the blog here: Dave’s Blog.
Definitely a bit envious about his journey through Europe. Hopefully I’ll get to visit him soon!
Bye Bye Big Brace
Just saw the doc yesterday and heard some good news. I got released to do more weight bearing exercises! This is great news considering I’ve only been able to do light exercises for the past two months like riding a stationary bike with low resistance and simple leg raises. Can’t wait to start incorporating more intense/dynamic movements in PT such as single leg squats and exercises in bent knee positions.
Another good news was the doc switched me out of my old leg brace. From wearing a heavy duty/humongous one I’m now wearing a smaller and lightweight version. Definitely not as restricting and perfect for doing more exercises in. It’s finally time to bulk up them leg muscles!

leg braces: compared
Future Stars!
Over the weekend, I went and judged a NorCal Future Stars competition. As always it was fun to see all the boys (8-12 year olds) working hard and getting stronger. It was also great to see them in competitive shape even though the J.O. season hasn’t technically started yet. It’ll be exciting to see all the kids again when January rolls around and the real competition season begins!

Future Star Boys!
Good luck to all the boys that are going on to compete at the regional championships!
You Are What You Eat?
I just finished a four-week metabolic health class the other day that focused on proper eating. I took it because I was recommended by a good friend of mine, but I’ve always understood that eating well is an important part of being a top-level athlete. The class was hosted by Brien Shamp of Optimal Fitness Lifestyle Center and I’ve gotta say that it was really informative.

Optimal Fitness!
I realized that I need to pay more attention to what I eat because I not only need the right fuel to get me through tough practices, but I also need the right food in my system to help with the recovery process after working out.
It’s definitely difficult to consistently monitor what you eat, but from now on, I’ll try my best to give my body the right food to work with!
Sho's Floor Routine ::Judged::
My previous post was about judging the Future Stars meet this weekend.
Anyway, on a similar judging note, my friend found a youtube video of my floor routine.
Definitely not my best routine but what makes the video interesting is that the person that posted it explains each of the elements and the bonus I receive. I don’t know who posted this but it’s kind of neat.
Check it out:

Future Stars Testing
Just got asked to judge at a future stars competition (kids 8-12) this weekend.
Even though I’ve been judging for about 6 years now, I’ve never judged any future stars competition. Should be fun as this is all new.
It’ll also be good to catch up with all of the judges and coaches, as well as the kids that will be competing this weekend!
New Student-Athlete Orientation
I had the privilege of attending Stanford’s New Student-Athlete Orientation yesterday as a featured speaker. It was awesome that they asked me to speak but I’ve gotta admit that it felt weird at the same time because I finally realized that I’ve officially completed being a student-athlete at Stanford and I’m on the other side now, giving advice to the young ones. Either way, I had a great time being able to meet a bunch of the new students.

NSAO Program
All of these students are really bright and have accomplished a lot, athletically. I have no doubt in my mind that they’ll carry on the torch and continue the tradition of excellence. It’ll be another good year for Stanford athletics!
Busy Busy Week
This past week was definitely a busy week for me. Aside from regular training and rehab, I spent more time than usual tutoring, doing private gymnastics lessons, as well as other important/not-so important things. Can’t complain though because I did have some fun as well.
I met up with a good friend of mine, who has moved back to the Bay Area after living away for about 5 years. It was great to see him and catch up with all the stuff that’s going on in our lives.
There was also a big event at the gym as it was National Gymnastics Day. It was definitely fun to see a bunch of people show up and for the kids to put on a little demo for them.
I was also able to go see the Giants play the Dodgers yesterday, which was definitely very fun. The game was exciting because of the big rivalry between the team. Plus what made it even better was that the tickets were free, and they were awesome seats too (thanks Maurice!).

AT&T Park!
I’m hoping that this week will be a little less busy. However, I’m supposed to attend a big event at Stanford where I am supposed to speak to all the incoming freshmen-athletes for their orientation. Should be exciting!
Just wanted to thank all the people who wished me happy birthday yesterday. Had a great day that included a dinner with some close friends. I was also surprised with a nice birthday cake. However, the best thing about the day was probably being told that I could walk on my own! Yup, that’s right…no more crutches for me! It’s definitely nice because I can get around without having to grab my crutch.
Yesterday’s date (9/9/09) was also significant because it was the last set of repeating, single-digit dates we’ll see for almost 100 years.
Anyway, it was a good day yesterday and I wanted to thank all my friends and family again for wishing me a happy birthday!